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- Thu, Apr 24Brockton

Feels Of Foreal is a mental & spiritual wellness company, here you will FEEL your truth & learn the best ways to maximize it.
Using all elements of art, fun, creativity and enjoyment .. we will guide you through the journey of self rediscovery.

It's time to feel FOREAL.
Content Official Video
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This video speaks for itself. It is time to feel foreal, by being aligned with our divine. ENJOY!


"One of the most enlightened individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Every moment I speak to her it helps me align more and more with my higher self."

“FoReal is her name, her character, and her frequency. She consistently exudes love vibes. She’s just soul; so FoReal”

“When it come to Feels of Foreal you will definitely feel the cosmic energy. And Foreal is an amazing pioneer to guide the masses to a feeling of true self actualization. Thanks for always being you and exciting for your continued growth. Time is relative focus on the here and Now! “

"Jasmine aka Jazzy Jazz as she allows me to call her is a bundle of energy! She's extremely charismatic, positive and has the most contagious laugh you'll ever hear. Jazz has a pure heart, she's authentic and is genuine. NEVER a dull moment in her presence!”